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April 1: Census Caravan in Little Village

Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) || twitter: @icirr || Insta: @icirr_IL || #CensusCaravan MEDIA ADVISORY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Brandon Lee, ICIRR 773-259-5288 (call or text) April 1: 2020 Census Caravan drives through Little Village What: 2020 Census Caravan drives through Little Village in Chicago Where: Meet-up in the Wal Mart parking lot at 3320 S Cicero Ave. Caravan organizers will be available for interviews in the WalMart parking lot. From there, the caravan will drive a route through the Little Village neighborhood. When: Wednesday, April 1. Meet-up is at 2:00pm. Caravan departs WalMart parking lot at 2:30pm and will drive until 4:00pm Who: Leaders and organizers from the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, Enlace Chicago, and Taller de Jose Why: The US Census is an important moment for ALL of our community members to participate and be counted, while securing resources and representation for our state. But the realities of Coronavirus and COVID-19 have made it more difficult to raise Census awareness in our communities - communities that were already likely to be undercounted. In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, local organizations are trying new tactics to reach their communities. On “Census Day,” Wednesday, April 1, immigrant community organizers will be driving through the Little Village neighborhood to promote the Census and encourage people to participate from home by responding online at or calling the census hotlines.

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