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ICIRR statement on Citizenship Question

Cara Yi


Thu Jun 27 2019

As Citizenship Question for 2020 Census Goes on Hold, We Will Continue to Ensure Our Communities are Counted

CHICAGO (July 27, 2019)--We are pleased the Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling on the census today effectively blocks the citizenship question for the moment. The decision recognizes that U.S. Commerce Secretary Ross’s process to include the citizenship question was flawed. However, it still leaves an opening for the lower courts to decide.

The Trump administration’s attempt to include the citizenship question on the census has always been a political maneuver to keep immigrant communities from being counted. Adding the citizenship question has been and continues to be a blatant attempt to generate fear in immigrant households, to keep our communities underfunded, and to keep our communities from being represented.

That’s why we will continue to build strong and robust census outreach efforts at the state, county, and city levels, and ensure all our communities are counted in 2020. In the meantime, we will continue to monitor the proceedings closely and provide updates to the community so we can be prepared for whatever may come.


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ICIRR is dedicated to promoting the rights of immigrants and refugees to full and equal participation in the civic, cultural, social, and political life of our diverse society.
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